Year 2nd Term English Lesson 1st   Written Exam for 9 B.
Name        :     Surname    :
Number      : Class        : 9/B Point:
Dear Selen,

            I wrote to tell you what a great time we had at Hepsi concert last weekend. It is a pity you can’t come.
           The concert took place in the football stadium in Kadiköy. There were about 40.000   people in the concert. You won’t believe this , we saw the members of the group in a white limousine at the stadium. They had 5 bodyguards with them. Anyway we went to our sit at 8.00 and half an hour later the concert began. The group started their show and it took 2 hours. We didn’t sit during the concert.
           We hear that  they will give a big concert in İzmir next week. Perhaps you can see them there if you find a ticket.                                                                   Best wishes
a – Answer the following questions.                             5x2= 10
1 – Where did Nur go last weekend?_____________________________________________________ .
2 – How many people were there in the concert?_____________________________________________
3 – What time did the concert start?____________________________________________________ .
4 – How long did the concert last?_______________________________________________________ .
5 – Where will the next concert be?______________________________________________________
b- Mark True or False       5x2= 10
1. Selen and Nur went to the concert together                              …………………………………
2. The group members came to the stadium with a black limousine  ………………………………..
3. She enjoyed the concert very much                                            ……………………………….
4. They had five bodyguards                                                           ……………………………….
5. The concert took two hours                                                        ………………………………
   Answer the following questions 5x2=10
1. Were you a student last year?______________________________________________
2. What will you do in the future ?______________________________________________
3. What is the largest city in Turkey?_________________________________________________
4. What is the most crowded city in Turkey?_______________________________________________
5. Who is your best friend?______________________________________________________


C. Choose the correct word; adjective or adverb 5x1=5
1. Yesterday I studied for a long time  so I went to bed ……………………………………….(late)
2. Please speak ……………………………………..(quiet) , the baby is sleeping.
3. He is a ………………………………………..(careful ) driver.
4. The secretary wrote the letters ………………………………….(slow) and she left the office late.
5. Our team played ………………………………. (bad) and we lost the match
D. Combine the sentences with enough or too. 4x2.5=10
1. He is very tired . He can’t drive any more…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. He is tall . He can play basketball very well. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. The problem is very complicated. I can’t solve it by myself…………………………………………………………………………………
4. The house is cheap. We can buy it……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

A. Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (~est or most ..) or a comparative (~er or more ..) 2x5:10
1. What is …………………………………………sport in your country? (popular)
2. Planes are………………………………………………..than trains (dangerous)
3. That clown is ……………………………………………….than the others (funny)
4. A gold necklace is………………………………………….. than a silver one (expensive)
5. It was an awful day. It was day of my life. (bad)
B. Complete the sentences using will ('ll) or going to  (2x5:10)
1. A: Why are you turning on the television?
B:                                       the news. (I/watch)
2. A: Oh, I've just realised. I haven't got any money.
 B: Haven't you? Well, don't worry.                                              you some. (I/lend)
3. A: I've got a headache.
B: Have you? Wait there and                                                       an aspirin for you. (I/get)
4. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B:                                                       the car. (I/wash)
5. A: I've decided to repaint this room.
B: Oh, have you? What colour                                                   it? (you/paint)
C. Write the letter again, using the correct past simple form of each irregular verb. 1x15:15

Dear Ethel
I’m writing to tell you about something that happened yesterday. I getted up at the usual time – about 10am – haved a shower and maked breakfast. I eated a big bowl of cereal and some toast and watched TV for a while. Then I goed into the kitchen where I heard a funny noise. I thinked it comed from behind the cooker. I getted my tool box and moved the cooker out of the way.
The noise getted louder but I couldn’t see anything. I ringed my uncle to ask his advice. He sayed that he thinked it could be a gas leak. When I heared this I just panicked! I putted the phone down, runned outside, getted in my car and drived to the local police station.
Write a paragraph. What did you do last weekend? (at least 10 sentences.)

……………Anatolian Technical High School 2015-2016 Education Year  2nd Term English Lesson 1st   Written Exam for 9 B. www.sorubak.com
Name        :     Surname    :
Number      : Class        : 9/B Point:
Dear Selen,

            I wrote to tell you what a great time we had at Hepsi concert last weekend. It is a pity you can’t come.
           The concert took place in the football stadium in Kadiköy. There were about 40.000   people in the concert. You won’t believe this , we saw the members of the group in a white limousine at the stadium. They had 5 bodyguards with them. Anyway we went to our sit at 8.00 and half an hour later the concert began. The group started their show and it took 2 hours. We didn’t sit during the concert.
           We hear that  they will give a big concert in İzmir next week. Perhaps you can see them there if you find a ticket.                                                                   Best wishes
a – Answer the following questions.                             5x2= 10
1 – Where did Nur go last weekend?__________She went to concert 2______________________ .
2 – How many people were there in the concert?____there were 40.000 people in the concert 2
3 – What time did the concert start?_______It started at 8.30 2 _______________________ .
4 – How long did the concert last?__________It lasted 2 hours 2__________________________ .
5 – Where will the next concert be?_________It will be in İzmir  2 _____________________
b- Mark True or False       5x2= 10
1. Selen and Nur went to the concert together                              ………F 2…………………………
2. The group members came to the stadium with a black limousine  …………F 2 ……………………..
3. She enjoyed the concert very much                                            ………T 2 ……………………….
4. They had five bodyguards                                                           …………F 2 …………………….
5. The concert took two hours                                                        ……………T 2…………………
   Answer the following questions 5x2=10
1. Were you a student last year?__Yes I was  2____________________________________________
2. What will you do in the future ?___I will go to university 2 _________________________________
3. What is the largest city in Turkey?__ Konya is the largest city in  2 ___________________________
4. What is the most crowded city in Turkey?__İstanbul is the most crowded city in Turkey 2 __________
5. Who is your best friend?_____....... is my best friend  2 ____________________________________


C. Choose the correct word; adjective or adverb 5x1=5
1. Yesterday I studied for a long time  so I went to bed …late 1 …………………………………….(late)
2. Please speak ………quietly 1 ……………………………..(quiet) , the baby is sleeping.
3. He is a ……………careful 1 …………………………..(careful ) driver.
4. The secretary wrote the letters …slowly 1 ……………………………….(slow) and she left the office late.
5. Our team played ………badly 1 ………………………. (bad) and we lost the match
D. Combine the sentences with enough or too. 4x2.5=10
1. He is very tired . He can’t drive any more…He is too tired to rive any more. 2,5…………………………………
2. He is tall . He can play basketball very well. He is tall enough to play basketball. 2,5……………………………………..
3. The problem is very complicated. I can’t solve it by myself…The problem is too complicated to solve 2,5…
4. The house is cheap. We can buy it…the house is cheap enough to buy. 2,5 …………………………………

A. Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (~est or most ..) or a comparative (~er or more ..) 2x5:10
    1. What is the most popular  2         sport in your country? (popular)
2. Planes are more dangerous2                than trains (dangerous)
3. That clown is funnier 2               than the others (funny)
4. A gold necklace is more expensive 2               than a silver one (expensive)
5. It was an awful day. It was the worst  2         day of my life. (bad)
B. Complete the sentences using will ('ll) or going to  (2x5:10)
1. A: Why are you turning on the television?
B: I'm going to watch       2                the news. (I/watch)
2. A: Oh, I've just realised. I haven't got any money.
 B: Haven't you? Well, don't worry. I'll lend         2           you some. (I/lend)
3. A: I've got a headache.
B: Have you? Wait there and I'll get  2                     an aspirin for you. (I/get)
4. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B: I'm going to wash  2                   the car. (I/wash)
5. A: I've decided to repaint this room.
B: Oh, have you? What colour are you going to paint 2 it? (you/paint)
C. Write the letter again, using the correct past simple form of each irregular verb. 1x15:15

Dear Ethel
I’m writing to tell you about something that happened yesterday. I got 1 up at the usual time – about 10am – had 1  a shower and maked breakfast. I ate 1a big bowl of cereal and some toast and watched TV for a while. Then I went 1into the kitchen where I heard a funny noise. I thought 1 it came 1 from behind the cooker. I got 1 my tool box and moved the cooker out of the way.
The noise got 1 louder but I couldn’t see anything. I rang 1 my uncle to ask his advice. He said 1  that he thought 1  it could be a gas leak. When I heard  1 this I just panicked! I put 1  the phone down, ran 1 outside, got 1 in my car and drove 1 to the local police station.
Write a paragraph. What did you do last weekend? (at least 10 sentences.)
Last night I got up early. I had breakfast at 10.00 then ı wore my clothes. I left home at 11.00.  We met our firends. We went to the match between GS and Konyaspor. It was very good. GS won the match. After we went to a cafe and drank tea. I came back at 10.00 pm .It was a tiring day. I went to bed early.

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17 Yaşındayım,Sürekli spor yaparım,size yardım etmek için burdayım."Daha iyisi olana kadar en iyisi biziz"

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